Within our school ethos, we promote an atmosphere which encourages effort, enjoyment and a celebration of the achievements of all our pupils. Our concern for these high standards is also reflected in the pride we take in our school uniform and the feeling of belonging that it creates.
All children are expected to wear school uniform when attending school or participating in a school organised event outside of normal school hours. Uniform ensures the children do not spoil other clothes nor compete with each other over fashion items. It is designed to be comfortable and practical for the children to wear, good value for money and easy to wash.
Uniform with the school logo can be bought from School Trends. All other items can be bought from a variety of shops and supermarkets at a reasonable price.
School also runs a second-hand uniform shop on the last Friday of each month, where pre-loved items of clothing with the school logo can be purchased at a reduced price. Please contact the school office at any other time should you wish to purchase anything from the second-hand shop.
Winter uniform:
White polo shirt
Navy blue sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan with the school logo
Grey skirt, pinafore dress, shorts or trousers
Plain grey, black or navy tights or socks
Summer option:
Blue/white checked dress
White socks
Black flat shoes (with fastening) or boots (no trainers or shoes that resemble trainers or shoes with logos)
P.E Kit – to be worn to school on P.E days only
T-shirt with school logo – in house colour
Plain navy blue shorts
Plain navy-blue joggers or Plain navy leggings may be worn underneath shorts if preferred to joggers
Jumper or fleece with school logo
A waterproof jacket may be worn outside in wet weather
Swimming: A one-piece swimming costume, swim shorts and swimming hat (for children with long hair)
Pre-school Uniform
T-shirt with pre-school logo – in key worker colour
Plain navy-blue joggers or Plain navy-blue leggings
Jumper, cardigan or fleece with school logo
Suitable shoes for playing outside, e.g. trainers, plimsolls or flat shoes with Velcro fastening
**Please remember to label all items of uniform**