Lulworth - Year 2
Lulworth Class – Year 2
Welcome to Lulworth Class!
Lulworth Class is our year two class; our Class Teacher is Miss Clarke and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Perry.
In year two, we continue to build on the skills and knowledge taught in reception and year one and begin to prepare children for the challenges of key stage two.
Reading continues to be of the utmost importance and would encourage you to continue to explore a range of books and stories at home with your child, as well as practising their phonic skills for reading. Maths can be practiced at home through TT Rockstars and My Maths. In order for your children to practice their spellings and phonics, please use Spelling Shed and the QR codes provided with their RWI books.
This year, we will learn about Changes in Living Memory over the past 60 years and all about the Local area / History of Bere Regis. After Christmas we will focus on a European study of France and the children will have an opportunity to eat some French food before moving onto to looking at the whole world. Finally, in the summer term, we will look at Hot and Cold places and finish with getting to know Greta Thunberg and Rosa Parkes, as Significant Women in History
If you are interested in the specific areas of learning, please feel free to browse through the curriculum plan and as always, if you have any questions, please get in touch.
We will be completing our SATs at the end of May; again, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
We look forward to welcoming you to our class and school community.
Our current curriculum is Year A
Curriculum Year A
Autumn 1st Half Term
Changes within Living memory
Autumn 2nd Half Term
Living in the UK
Spring 1st half Term
Great Fire of London
Spring 2nd half Term
Around the World
Summer 1st Half Term
Hot and Cold Places
Summer 2nd Half Term
Significant Women in HIstory
Curriculum Year B
Autumn 1st Half Term
Bere Regis Locality Study
Autumn 2nd Half Term
Bere Regis Locality Study
Spring 1st half Term
European Study - France
Spring 2nd half Term
Technological Changes
within Living Memory
Summer 1st Half Term
Kings and Queens
Summer 2nd Half Term